Spring is one of my favourite seasons – I love the change that comes with spring, I love the idea of newness and growth, and I have truly come to appreciate all of the hope that spring brings. I can’t help but connect this season of change and growth and hope that comes with spring to my own life and all of the changes that have been happening lately.
I have a love hate relationship with change. I hate change because it’s new and it can be scary and uncertain. It can bring up some worry thoughts or hidden anxieties. It can speed up my already busy mind and make it difficult to feel a sense of inner calm and regulation.
But, I love change because of the amazing new energy that comes with transition. Once the decision has been made and once there is clear intention to take the risk, the change itself takes on a momentum of its own. Then comes the inevitable realization of authenticity – this is your true self. Change can be equated with truly living and an amazing openness to new opportunities that you really don’t get until the moment you make the decision to change. And you then realize… risk yields reward!
So, the winter months can be seen as preparation time. There is a sense of longing and waiting and “seed planting” or preparation and planning. And, often times, we don’t see any results of our efforts. There are often no signs of hope and this can be frustrating. But, with spring we can start reaping the rewards of our hard work and intentions. With spring comes a change in the length of our days (and a time change), a change in the weather (usually it gets warmer), and a change in growth patterns as new buds blossom and bloom, new energy fills the air, and new ideas abound.
Oprah once said, “There’s no such thing as luck, but preparation meeting a moment of opportunity. And, she says that you better be ready. So, get ready and do the necessary preparations, be ready, and enjoy and appreciate all that spring and the newness of life brings. Spring forward into change, growth, risk taking, and an amazing sense of hope and newness.
Ideas for creating and navigating a “spring forward”:
- Brainstorm a list of all the changes you really, really, really want
- Decide to spend 10 minutes each day on creating one small change
- Thing of small changes in manageable “bites”; don’t think of all the changes you want to make all at once!
- Know and accept that change can be uncomfortable but the discomfort does not last forever (temporary discomfort is growth!)
- Change may intensify all your feelings: worry, anxiety, fear, joy, happiness, excitement – step into these feelings and try not to resist them
- Talk to someone as you go through change and as you are changing – we all need support, encouragement, and championing
- Reflect as much as you can on the changes you notice in yourself as you grow
- Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for the courage to change (know that not everyone can do it!)
- Be kind, caring, and compassionate with yourself as you are changing and growing
- Be patient, change (and springing forward) takes time
“Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change!”