

Happy. Sad. Excited. Lonely. Joyful. Left out. Enthusiastic. Brave. Frustrated. Bold. These are some of the feelings I experience on a daily basis. The other day, I described to a friend that my emotional journey feels kind of like being on a paddleboard – some days, I feel so calm […]

Growth Mindset

This month I have been thinking a lot about the growth mindset and how often my thoughts focus more on my limitations and what I think I can’t do and less so on my potential and what I believe I can do. And, so many of my clients are in […]


My journey to self-kindness… I truly enjoy being kind to others and being kind comes easily to me. If someone needs my help, I’m happy to offer my time and ideas. If someone is hurting, I want to give comfort and compassion. If someone makes a mistake or is having […]

“Zooming Out”

Photography…something I’ve always wanted to try but something I never actually dared to do, as I thought I wouldn’t be good at it…until this summer when I decided to not worry about being “good enough” or accomplishing a certain level of photography status. I let go of the notion of […]

Active Girls

This summer has been an active one for me and I’m calling it “Active August” because it has been filled with tons of activities including: running, biking, blading, and walking (all familiar to me) as well as basketball, tennis, hiking, and paddle boarding (all newer to me). As I climbed […]

Worrier or Warrior?

I am a worrier – and this is a choice I have been making for a very long time. Although, as I grow and learn and become much more confident and self-assured and I am worrying less and less all the time, I do still worry! I guess you could […]


Rainbows are signs of hope. After long days of dark clouds and rainstorms, the sky breaks and brightens, and an amazing array of wondrous colours emerges – a sign of the beginning of newness and a fresh start. I think the idea of hope is so valuable to me and […]

Gossip Girls

This week I have been thinking a lot about gossip….we all do it, it is really easy, and the words we speak can hurt and cannot be taken back. Gossip is a quick and easy way to “feel good” about ourselves. Yes, when I say something about someone else, I […]

Relaxing into Life

“By relaxing into the moments of life, I am finding things work out on their own and I am a happier person for it.” Everybody who knows me, knows that I am not a relaxed person. I am kind. I am gentle. I am caring and compassionate. “Relaxed” is not […]