Too Busy To Notice


Christmas is a busy season. And sometimes, the entire month of December can fly by without us even “noticing”. In our hustle and bustle to get the tree decorated, the presents purchased and wrapped, and the cookies baked, we may neglect to take a moment to notice the beauty and majesty of this special season.

I feel in our busy lives, we may also be too busy to notice girls – their growth, their changes, their triumphs, and their challenges. Girls, when unnoticed, can feel frustrated and neglected and they can turn to other sources for attention, oftentimes, social media and screens. Then, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Musically become “substitutions” for what they really want – our time and our undivided attention. They want us to notice them!

Here are some ideas to improve you noticing skills:

  • Notice her facial expression
  • Notice her body language
  • Notice her words
  • Notice the feelings behind her words
  • Notice her choices and decisions
  • Notice her clothing
  • Notice her activities and any growth and development
  • Notice changes
  • Notice stress and anxiety
  • Notice her effort

So, this season, take a moment – to notice and enjoy Christmas and take many moments to notice…the girl in your life – this could be the best gift you give her!

Merry Christmas and wishing you a wonderful holiday season!